Welcome to the
"There's an Oil for That™" blog!!!
This is a place where you will find suggested uses for Essential Oils.
Please Read before following any Suggested Uses Given:
Please contact a Health Care Practitioner, trained in the safety and chemical understanding of essential oils and herbs, including the knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and pharmaceutical drug interactions BEFORE using any suggestions on this blog. Please read our Disclaimer.
The suggested Essential oil recipes that are given in this blog, are using pure, quality essential oils from Vitruvian Natural Health. You may NOT get the same results from essential oils from other company's. There's an Oil for That™, provides Pure, Quality Essential Oils, from Vitruvian Natural Health. We can not be responsible for other company's products and their effectiveness, please contact that company for usage instructions. Please click here to read more about Pure, Quality Essential Oils and How to find and test a Pure, Quality Essential Oil.
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As a side Note: Please understand that the author of this blog is an Aromatherapist and Herbalist, not a professional writer. If you see errors, go a head and let us know through our Contacts Page, but please have patience while reading, and understand that we are only trying to help. We hope this will be a place that you will return often and learn. See Disclaimer.