
My baby has Eczema. Is there an essential oil that will help her?

Julie, Nebraska

Skin Care ~ Eczema

Eczema is a general term for many types of skin inflammation, also known as dermatitis. The most common form of eczema is atopic dermatitis (some people use these two terms interchangeably). However, there are many different forms of eczema.

Eczema can affect people of any age, although the condition is most common in infants. Eczema will permanently resolve by age 3 in about half of affected infants. In others, the condition tends to recur throughout life. People with eczema often have a family history of the condition or a family history of other allergic conditions, such as asthma or hay fever. Up to 20% of children and 1%-2% of adults are believed to have eczema.

Most of the symptoms and conditions below are important signals your body is sending you that you may need to significantly reduce toxins in your body, especially your digestive system. Add whole-food nutrients, like Raw foods. Essential oil massages can be very beneficial as well.


Eczema can show up anywhere on the body, but eczema often appears as a rash on the;
  • Insides of elbows
  • Backs of knees
  • Face, often on the cheeks
  • Behind the ears
  • Buttocks
  • Hands and feet
Eczema symptoms often appear as skin patches that can be:
  • Very itchy
  • Red
  • Dry
  • Swollen
  • Sore
With time, an eczema rash often becomes crusty and scaly. Some types of eczema can also blister, weep, crack, or peel. An infection or too much scratching can make eczema symptoms worse. Over time, scratching can even make the skin become thick and leathery. Sometimes, you may have other skin changes along with eczema, such as small raised bumps or hives. Or, there may be an extra fold of skin under the eyes.

Although Eczema can be itchy and irritating, avoid scratching if possible, Scratching too much can cause a break in the skin, which allows bacteria or viruses to enter and can lead to infection. Sometimes, long-term use of medications to control eczema can also cause complications.

Suggestions, using Essential Oils:
In-home procedures suggested as part of an overall plan involving your health care professional as indicated in an authoritative home health care directory:

NOTE: anyone who suffers from allergies may have much stronger reactions to essential oils applied on the skin, even if they are of the highest quality. The first way to manage this condition is through internal purification. Those who may be allergic or sensitive should apply these procedures first on the feet, then on a small part of the infected area for at least 24 hours before using them generally.
  • Begin by making needed adjustments to your dietary habits according to the suggestions given earlier. Skin problems will often recur if dietary adjustments are not made. Eat a healthy diet containing fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and heart-healthy oils.
  • You may need more water (1/2 gallon a day) and exercise (2 mile walk per day) to improve circulation and flush toxins from the body. The body needs an average of half your body weight in ounces, of water.
  • Examine your emotional life and reduce toxic build-up of unresolved conflicts, selfishness, resentments, criticism, etc. Calming therapies, journaling and massage will help significantly, but problems will recur if emotional issues are not resolved.
  • Incorporate daily stress-reducing activities such as meditation while diffusing 5 to 10 drops of lemon or Balsam fir.
  • Use daily relaxing massage on the feet, hands, abdomen, ears, or joints with 3 to 4 drops of lavender, geranium, lemon diluted in a tablespoon of vegetable mixing oil.
  • Eliminate any unsafe addictions such as smoking, drugs, or alcoholism.
  • For persistent skin conditions, it may be essential to do one or more of the cleanses —liver, digestion, immune strengthening, or mind/body—over at least a year’s time. Do the liver cleanse every morning. 1 drop Lemon oil, 1 drop Peppermint oil, and 1 tsp. Fresh lemon juice.

For actual Skin help, do one of the following:
  • Mix 4-5 drops of lavender, geranium, or per la Pain blend (anti-inflammatory), in 1/2 cup Epsom salts. Be sure to mix the oils in the Epsom salts first, then add the salts to the bath water. (Take warm baths, not hot.)
  • After your bath or shower, apply 4 to 5 drops of lavender, geranium, or the soothing (anti-inflammatory) Pain blend mixed in a tablespoon of mixing oil to the affected areas. (Coconut oil, Olive, and Jojoba oils are very healing)
  • Can also mix 15-20 drops each of Lavender and Geranium to a fragrance free, non-toxic, synthetic-chemical-free lotion. (Eucerin lotion is also good). Apply to infected areas after each bath or shower, and wash your hands each time. If you wish to make your blend up each time, mix 2-3 drops each of the essential oils into 1 Tbl. Lotion.
  • Tea tree oil is known to be very effective with eczema or any other skin condition.
  • 1 drop Oregano oil and a 1oz. Carrier oil mixture, rubbed on lesions 2x daily, is great for extreme cases. If irritation occurs, just take internally 2x a day, in a gel capsule.
There is no need to do all of these options. Just pick one, and try it. For acute problems, try the bath and lotion.

Consider a Salve:

If you don't want the hassle of baths or putting your own moisturizer together, then consider a salve.

Vitruvian Natural Health now offers a Herbal Healing Salve that can be used every day for an over all healing moisturizer. Read more about it here: