Amber, MA.
About the Spider and its bite:
Spider bites are characterized as either attacking or defensive, depending on whether the spider is attempting to subdue prey, or to repel a perceived threat. Spiders can control how much venom is released. A bite in which little or no venom is injected is frequently referred to as a dry bite. As spiders do not prey on humans (or other large mammals), spiders do not "attack" people. Almost all bites that humans receive are defensive bites, and frequently the spider drives the human off just by the mechanical pain of its bite, thus it is not unusual for humans to receive dry bites or partial envenomations.
Spider venoms work on one of two fundamental principles; they are either neurotoxic (attacking the nervous system), or necrotic (attacking tissues surrounding the bite.) When using essential oils, Helichrysum is used for nerve and neuralogical conditions, (helping the neurotoxic principle), and Cypress is used for circulation (helping the necrotic principle.)
Some spider bites do leave a large enough wound that infection may be a concern, and some spider species are known to consume prey which is already dead, which also may pose a risk for transmission of infectious bacteria from a bite. So, essential oils with anti-bacterial properties is a must to prevent infection and scarring.
Essential oils that help with Spiders bites:
- 1 drop of Helichrysum and Cypress on location will help clear out the venom of bites.
- Lavender will help heal the bite and prevent scarring.
- Apply Tea tree after "sting" is gone to prevent infection.
- Take 3 drops Oregano oil in a capsule, filled with Carrier oil, immediately, if you suspect being bitten by a brown recluse or black widow. Seek medical attention. Continue Oregano capsules 2x a day until bite heals, or at least 10 days.
How to Prevent Future Spider Bites:
- Keep away from areas where black widow or brown recluse spiders area known to concentrate. The widow often makes tangled webs around outbuildings, storage units, old tree trunks or cabins not in regular use.
- Keep cellars, rooms, closets as clean and clutter-free as possible. Spiders usually will not remain in a constantly disturbed area. This rule can provide a powerful incentive for children to clean their rooms.
- Shake clothing, blankets, towels, and such if they have remained in an area where spiders may be found.
- Take care to look before placing your hands in a lumber pile, window-well, under rocks or in little-used cabinets or drawers.
- Professional pest-control agents and sprays can be used, but these are often expensive and generally unsuccessful. The spiders are tenacious and not highly susceptible to insecticides.
- Do seek medical attention if you suspect that you have been bitten by either a brown recluse or black widow. Although, start Helichrysum/Cypress right away. However, with most spider bites, victims do not even know they have been bitten. If they do notice, they often attribute the spot to a scratch or splinter.