Skin Care help using Essential Oils
Skin Care begins with the inside of the body. What we put in ourselves is a direct reflection of what we see on the outside.
Start by changing your diet:· Eat Raw foods, fruits, and vegetables
· No Processed Foods
· Fresh Organic juices and smoothies
· Drinking half your body weight in ounces, of water each day.
· Reducing stressors
· Filling your mind and heart up with healing energy, prayer, meditation, etc.
Essential Oil Help:The following list of Essential oils are great to use for skin care on a daily basis. Read the benefits for each oil, and decide what will work best for you. Then mix a 1-2 drops of the Essential oil with 2-3 drops carrier oil (Olive or Coconut oil) for a powerful healing and anti-aging of the skin.Basil• Effective skin tonic; aids sluggish complexion, dry skin, eczema, herpes, shingles, acne; aids hair growth; insect repellant.Birch• It has powerful astringent qualities and is excellent in skin tonics and body liniments.
• Birch is used as an astringent, and a counterirritant.
• Helps treat scalp conditions like dandruff and flaky skin. Purifying and cleansing to the scalp.
• Excellent to use as a compress with sage for acne or congested skin.Coriander• stretch marks, scars
• Cypress is a vaso-constrictor, used to treat acne, increases circulation in mature skin, a good over-all skin tonic. It is astringent and helps to reduce overactive sweat glands and excessive perspiration. Helpful in mixtures for simple water retention, varicose veins, cellulite, wound healing. This is a good oil to be added to mixtures for oily hair, oily skin, or sweaty palms and feet. Stimulates skin circulationEucalyptus• Used in massage oils and ointments for chapped hands, lips and other skin irritations.
• Activates the oxygen exchange in the skin cells and promotes radiant skin.
• Mix equally with peppermint oil and white vinegar as a cooling spritz for a fever or for acne or boils.
• Mix with tea tree for external fungus infections like athletes foot.
• Used in the bath for antiseptic action
• Useful as an insect repellent along with basil and citronella.
• Use with tea tree and thyme for head lice or skin infections.
• Excellent aid for poor circulation during winter months. Add to carrier oil for massage.
• Add to bath water to soothe muscular aches and pains
• Add to carrier oil to use for skin careFennel• Good for dull and oily skin, bruises, cellulite, wrinkles, dry, watery, oily and mature skin types. Used in Europe and in body oils to tone and tighten sagging tissues, particularly sagging breast tissue. Will also help firm and tighten facial skin. Stimulates circulation. Excellent moisturizer. Aids corns.
• Use daily with Carrier Oil for moisturizer on the face or bodyFrankincense• Useful for acne, dry/mature aged skin, pimples, scars, smoothes out wrinkles, tonic to all skin, balances oily skin. Used in beauty treatments from before the time of Cleopatra. Used to treat and heal wounds, inflammations, scarring, and skin disorders of all types.
• Apply oil to back of neck at the hairline, or on pulse points. Applying 1 – 2 drops to the feet will get the oil circulating throughout the body quickly.
• Apply 1-2 undiluted drops to targeted areas of the body for relief.Geranium• As an external application, its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-hemorrhagic, benefits can be experienced by applying directly or when mixed with carrier oil, lotion, hand cream etc. In this particular context it is healing and antiseptic as well as a cellular regenerative.
• This oil is used frequently in applications for aged, wrinkling or older skin, as well as for healing balms and salves after plastic or facial surgery. Particularly healing after facial plastic surgery.
• Useful for acne, burns, bruises, dermatitis, ulcers, eczema, psoriasis, and broken capillaries. It has value in body and facial preparations where it balances oil gland secretion so it can be used for both dry and oily skin, as well as balancing out congested and mature skin.
• Excellent in use for treating skin conditions associated with bruising, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, shingles and cellulite.
• Useful in adding to a blend for a mosquito repellant.Helichrysum• Traditional uses of helichrysum include nervine, anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiphlogistic, antispasmodic, antitussive, cicatrizant, febrifuge, antiseptic, anti-hematoma, anticoagulant, cholagogue, fungicidal, hepatic, diuretic, emollient, mucolytic, splenic, cytophylactic, expectorant.
• One of the best essential oils to use for traumas, bruises internal, external, burns; acne, allergies, dermatitis, eczema, regenerating, aids broken veins, stretch marks, inflammations, spots, warts, wounds, old scars, carpal tunnel.Lavender• Antiseptic, controls the production of sebum, stimulates circulation in the skin. Assists in the healing of wounds and helps to rejuvenate the skin. Used to treat acne, cuts, burns, sunburn, inflammation, psoriasis, wrinkles. Beneficial for oily skin, acne, and dermatitis; excellent antiseptic properties ward off skin parasites, such as scabies.
• Useful for areas of inflammation such as athlete’s foot, burns, insect bites, itching, rheumatism, scabies, chicken pox, cystitis.
• Lavender is a good general purpose oil, useful in balancing blends or rounding off. Used to treat insect bites and nettle stings. An effective insect repellent. Repels moths.
• Apply 1-2 undiluted drops on temples, back of neck, rim of ears, on the web of hands (between index and thumb) and on the feet;
• For fragrant and soothing massage oil; add 3- 5 drops to carrier oil.
• For relaxation, calming
• To ease dry skin; add 4-5 drops and agitate in your bath or shower.
• Place 1- 2 drops in the palm of your hands and inhale; place a drop or two on a piece of cloth and inhale any time of the day.
• Personalize your personal care items; for fast action, apply 3-5 drops on the affected area and apply a warm water compress covered by a dry towel for 10-60 minutes.Lemon• Lemon oil addresses: Congestion due to colds, infections, respiratory disorders, infected skin. Slackened muscle tissue, poor circulation, low blood pressure, nosebleeds, a sluggish lymphatic system, coughs, obesity, stomach acidity, confusion, a lack of purpose and direction.
• With topical and aromatic purposes. Do NOT apply undiluted or use on skin that will be exposed directly to sunlight within 72 hours.Lemongrass• Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, vasodilator, sedative, tonic.
• It acts as a deodorant and a purifier for oily skin.
• Lemongrass has antiviral, antifungal and sedative properties.
• Supports the body in breaking down cellulite, effective with hydro lipid retention.
• It has tonifying astringent properties - cleansing to oily skin, blackheads, tightens pores and muscles.Marjoram• Clears bruises. Pain-relieving, antiseptic, helps wounds to heal, used for chilblains, cuts, bruisesMyrrh• In days of old, pregnant mothers anointed themselves with Myrrh for protection against infectious diseases and to elevate feelings of well-being. Of course, the most famous reference to Myrrh is the biblical story of the three wise men. Myrrh was one of the gifts of the Magi to the baby Jesus as told in the Gospel of Matthew. It was used in ancient times for skin conditions, oral hygiene, insect repellent, and for embalming. Galen, the physician to
the gladiators, sent Greek soldiers into battle with a First Aid kit containing Myrrh essential oil.
• In modern times, Myrrh is used to balance the thyroid and endocrine system, support the immune system, heal fungal and viral infections, and to enhance emotional well-being
• Antiseptic, astringent, reduces inflammation, improves circulation, stimulates the regeneration of skin cells, assists in the healing of wounds. Used to treat eczema, wrinkles. Very good for mature complexions or chapped and cracked skin, boils, athlete's foot, and ringworm. Promotes healing of gums.Myrtle• Its cleansing and antibacterial properties have made it an important ingredient in solutions that battle skin conditions like acne and psoriasis. Myrtle is often used to balance hormones.
• Since antiquity the leaves have been used for perfumes and food. Myrtle was a symbol of love because it was used in bridal bouquets or headdresses. The modern Jews still adorn the booths and sheds at the feast of tabernacles with myrtle. The flowers emit a perfume more exquisite than that of the rose.
• This oil has long been used in beauty preparations, as a facial tonic, or to strengthen skin, specifically oily, infected skin and acne. Myrtle oil has antiseptic and deodorizing properties, and serves as a natural deodorant,Orange• Use for overall skin health, for dull, oily, puffy skin, wrinkles, orange oil strengthens the epidermis, increases circulation, cell hydration, supports cell regeneration. Use to reduce obesity and water retention.
• Softens thick, fissured and cracked skin; promotes regeneration.
• Useful in combating cellulite when you massage it into the skin daily along with Cypress and Rosemary.
• Orange is said to help with the formation of collagen and is vital for the repair of body tissue. It softens and strengthens the outer layers of the skin and stimulates the nerve endings which activate circulation. It is excellent for stretch marks and helps repair broken bones. Helpful for gums, teeth and gingivitis.Peppermint• Versatile oil that relaxes and soothes; anti-inflammatory properties provide warming and cooling action; ease menstrual cramps, muscular aches and pains, sciatica, rheumatism, arthritis, toothache, laryngitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, mastitis, and cystitis; cools skin and relieves dermatitis, and itching associated with eczema, pruritis and urticaria.
• Cleansing and purifying; aids with halitosis, gingivitis, herpes, shingles; softens and degreases skin; acne, helps remove blackheads, and retains moisture in skin; antiseptic properties ward off skin parasites such as ringworm and scabies. Vasoconstrictive action tightens capillaries; aids hypotension; relieves liver fatigue from palpitations; effective heart tonic.Rosemary• Rosemary is said to restore vitality and youth. Excellent tonic for the skin, easing congestion and reducing puffiness and swelling, softens and degreases skin; acne, helps remove blackheads, and retains moisture in skin; antiseptic properties ward off skin parasites such as ringworm and scabies. It can be used as a hair stimulant, and it can help control dandruff.Sandalwood• Aids scars and is an anti-wrinkle
• Increases capillary circulation and connective tissue and dermis are strengthened and moisturized.
• Tissue regenerator
• Soothes skin
• Relieves the itching
• Moisturizes dry, dehydrated, and mature skin (Increases water retention of collagen)
• Smoothes and softens lines and wrinkles
• Relieves itching and irritation after shaving
• Sandalwood assists and balances any skin type or condition. Mix with Message, apply to face and neck area.Tea Tree• Tea Tree oil seems to reduce the proliferation of viruses and bacteria.
• Use undiluted on cold sores, on ring worm infections, on chicken pox to ease itch and stop infection, on insect bites to ease itch and pain. Use undiluted for itching of any kind.
· Use undiluted on corns to soften and control growth, on cuts and scrapes for an antiseptic. A few drops undiluted may be used for athletes foot and fungal infections. Use undiluted on warts.
• Diffusion of Tea Tree oil is very useful for infections such as colds and influenza, especially if it is used at the first signs of infection. Use 5 drops in a cup of water, with a sponge to reduce fevers. Lick trick for infections, aids with recuperation from long illness. Do the lick trick for whooping cough.
• 3-4 drops of Tea Tree in a capsule daily may help Candida. 5 drops in a douche for urinary antiseptic, cystitis, vaginitis, increases urine flow.
• Good for controlling acne. Add a few Tea Tree drops to warm water as final natural, antiseptic facial rinse.
• Reduce the effects of infectious micro-organisms. Add 5 to 10 drops to water for cleaning counter tops.