Healthy Hair & EO's

My son has a cradle-cap type dandruff on his head- any suggestions?
Sara, AZ.

Healthy Hair using Essential oils

The following essential oils are listed from less evasive to strongest.

  1. Tea Tree can be very affective on dandruff. It is the least evasive and should be used for young children and babies.
  2. Rosemary stops dandruff, and helps hair look shiny and healthy. It promotes hair growth. It is used effectively with alopecia, receding hair lines, and promoting hair regrowth.
  3. Thyme is good for the scalp, helps treat dandruff and hair loss. Stops hair loss. The soothing and purifying properties make the scalp dandruff free by deep cleaning of hardened sebum, while keeping hair soft and shiny. The conditioning property of Thyme helps detangle the hair making it easier to brush and comb.

There are several ways to use the above oils. Here are some suggestions:

Shampoo Recipe, for hair loss/regrowth and dandruff:
Put 12 oz Organic, Chemical/Dye free shampoo, in a blender. Add the following;

Scalp Treatment for hair loss/regrowth:

Oregano oil can be used, if the problem is extreme. 15-20 drops of Oregano can be added to Organic, Chemical/Dye free Shampoo. Shampoo the hair and scalp thoroughly. Let the shampoo sit on the scalp for 2-3 minutes before rinsing. When rinsing, cover eyes well, and rinse thoroughly. Take 2-3 drops Oregano and carrier oil, in capsules 2x daily.

Birch oil can be used in Personal care products to support hair growth. Add 2 drops per ounce.

Lemon oil restores the function of the epidermis, helps with thinning hair and nails by balancing the sebum / oil production.

For Hair loss from Chemotherapy
Create a warm compress, using 4 drops of Rosemary, 4 drops Lavender, and ½ ounce of Olive oil. Massage into scalp, place warm compress on head, and leave on until cold.
