Flu & Cold

Natural help for the Cold and Flu!Each year, people go the hospital for relief of cold or flu, and 89,000+ people will pass away from something they contracted at the hospital or Doctors office. During an Influenza Pandemic year, even more people will die.

Do you catch a cold or flu? The answer is No….you create it.

A cold or flu takes hold when the body is weakened and the immune system response is low. With an already weak immune system, once a person comes in contact with a bacterium or virus, a cold or flu is created in the body.

Some reasons for a Weakened Immune System:

Some Essential oils that will help fight a cold/flu.If you already have a Cold or Flu, when using Essential Oils, the symptoms will be minimized and reoccurrence of the infection can be lessened.

Diffusion: diffusing oil is an absolute must during the cold/flu season. It protects your home environment from invading pathogens, and is your first line of defense;
Eucalyptus radiata is considered mainly antiviral in its action on the mucous membranes. It also serves as an expectorant, being very beneficial in its ability to loosen phlegm and open airways.
Oregano and Thyme are both anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-infectious, anti-parasitic, anti-viral, and an immune stimulant. They are very beneficial for chronic bronchitis, colds, whooping cough, pneumonia, and asthma. These would be the obvious alternative to helping get rid of a viral infection and for preventing a Secondary infection, like pneumonia. Oregano is the strongest of the two, and should be used in acute situations.
per la Respiratory is formulated to assist the Respiratory system at its worst, while helping rid the body of excess mucus. The Eucalyptus radiata, with in this blend, works on the upper part of the lungs, while the Eucalyptus globulus works on the lower lungs. This formula is also known to help stimulate the regeneration of lung tissue. per la Respiratory is very beneficial to "multi tasking" what the body needs. In some cases, there is more benefit to using a blend over a single Essential oil.

per la Immunity is a blend formulated to kill a fungi/bacteria/virus. Research conducted at Weber State University indicates that most viruses, bacteria, and fungi can not live in the presence of many Essential oils, especially those high in carvacrols, phenols, terpenes, and thymol. This may very well explain why Spice Traders in Europe, during the 1413 Bubonic Plague, were able to steal off the diseased dead and survive. When the robbers were caught, the magistrate offered leniency if they would reveal what they used to resist catching the disease. The robbers explained that they were Spice Traders and used the spices and citrus, from there ships, of which they rubbed on themselves to keep from getting sick.
The Essential oils used in the blend per la Immunity are the same spices and citruses, and even more, used during the 15th Century. Studies have shown a success rate of these oils killing 99.96% airborne bacteria. It also showed that after 10 minutes of exposure, there was a reduction in the bacteria Micrococcus luteus, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Georgetown University did a double blind conclusive study showing that the oils in per la Immunity will stop the bird flu completely.
More ideas: To calm down a cough, rub on the throat, neck, center of the chest, and under the eye into the nasal cavity any of the following oils. (Add a carrier oil, if you have sensitive skin);
This recipe is calming, relaxing, balancing, with antihistamine effect, and provides decongestant relief. It is also a good expectorant. You can diffuse, inhale, or massage on hands and the feet or the chest.
Make a Cough Drop:2 tsp. Honey
2 drops Marjoram
1 drop Peppermint
1 drop Eucalyptus radiata
Mix all ingredients together. Suck on 1 teaspoon of the honey mixture, as needed.
For a Cough with Mucous in the throat:1 drop Eucalyptus radiata
1 drop Lemon
Gargle with water and spit out.
For Immune building bath recipes, go to Bath Recipes

