Lactose Intolerance

Lactose is the primary sweetener in Milk. When the body has an intolerance to lactose, that means that there is a deficiency of the lactase enzyme in the digestive system. Without this enzyme, the body lacks the ability to digest considerable quantities of lactose.

A simple test for lactose intolerance is to drink at least two 8-ounce glasses of milk on an empty stomach and note any gastrointestinal symptoms that develop in the next four hours. The test should then be repeated using several ounces of cheese (which does not contain much lactose). If symptoms result from milk but not cheese, then the person probably has lactose intolerance. If symptoms occur with both milk and cheese, the person may be allergic to dairy products (very rarely can lactose intolerance be so severe that even eating cheese will cause symptoms)

Symptoms Include the following, after ingesting dairy products with Lactose in it;
  • Nausea
  • Cramping
  • Swelling
  • Bloating
  • Acidosis
  • Vomiting
  • Sore Throat
  • Nasal Congestion
  • Diarrhea
  • Flatulence
Natural Help:
Limit the amounts of daily Dairy intake.
  • Replace Milk with Rice milk or Almond milk.
  • Yogurt should cause fewer problems than milk generally does, as it contains far less lactose per volume. Studies have also shown that eating yogurt every day can actually decrease the symptoms of lactose intolerance over all. Choose nonfat yogurt over whole, as fat causes slower digestion, which means the yogurt will take longer to reach the place in the small intestine where it is metabolized.
  • Replace Ice cream with Sorbets. Frozen yogurt is harder to digest than regular, as it has often been repasturized before freezing.
  • With the decrease of dairy, be sure to increase your intake of calcium with green, leafy vegetables such as spinach and broccoli.

Replace the body with the Lactase Enzyme, daily.
  • The most common mistake people make is not to take enough lactase to offset the amount of lactose. Different populations tolerate different quantities of lactose, so the only way to find a balance within your own system is through trial and error.
  • A combination of the proper enzymes are best and should include the following:
  • Protease:     Digests protein into amino acids.
  • Amylase:      Digests complex carbohydrates.
  • Lipase:         Digests fats and denatured fatty oils.
  • Cellulase:     Digests fibers from soluble sources.
  • Sucrase:      Digests complex sugars and starches.
  • Maltase:       Digests disaccharides to monosaccharides.
  • Lactase:       Digests lactose or dairy sugars.
  • Bromelain:    Digests protein.
Provide the digestive system with the proper Intestinal Flora.
  • A good Probiotic with a combination of Resistance Strains of L’s and B’s should also be taken daily to balance out the digestive system.
  • Keep in mind that acidophilus organisms work in the large intestine, and lactose metabolism takes place in the small intestine. Both the enzyme and probiotics work together to aid digestion.
  • Choose a Probiotic with both strains of L's and B's. 

Essential Oil Help:
-For everyday relief, add 1-2 drops lemon oil or 1-2 drops Peppermint oil to 8-12oz of drinking water throughout the day.
-For immediate relief of Lactose symptoms take 2-3 drops Lemon Oil, on the tongue and swish it in the mouth for 1 minute, then swallow.
  • The Lemon will help neutralize the stomach acids and relieve pain.
-Can also rub 3-4 (or more if needed) of Peppermint or Marjoram, or Dill, or 3-4 of all three oils, mixed on to the abdomen and soles of feet.
-Can make an herbal tea by mixing 1 drop Peppermint and 1 drop Marjoram or Dill in a teaspoon of honey, added to ½ to 1 cup of warm water.
-Fennel is primarily beneficial for the digestive system. It helps relieve abdominal cramping. Take 2-3 drops in a capsule, then fill with carrier oil, or add 2-3 drops to 1 tsp. honey, added to ½ to 1 cup warm water for a nice herbal tea.
  • Fennel relieves flatulence, assists with constipation and stagnation, and Neutralizes toxicity of the body.
-Take 2-3 drops Coriander for muscle spasms, diarrhea, and abdominal bloating.
-Use per la Digestion blend for an easy way to apply all the Essential Oils that are helpful to the digestion. per la Digestion is a blend of
Coriander, Dill, Peppermint, Fennel, Ginger Root, and Lemon.

  • Rub 3-4 drops per la Digestion over the abdomen or soles of feet. Can also ingest 1-2 drops, as needed. Mix in a carrier oil, if skin is sensitive.