Sore/Strep Throat

Natural Help for Sore Throat/Strep

A Sore Throat is the result of Pharyngitis, an inflammation of the pharynx, which is in the back of the throat, between the tonsils and the voicebox (larynx)
A Sore throat may be the first sign of any of the following:
· Common cold
· Influenza/Flu
· Laryngitis (inflammation of the voice box and vocal cords)
· A childhood illnesses including chickenpox, measles etc.
· Acid reflux may cause sore or different strange feelings in throat.
· Possible Strep

Many germs can cause pharyngitis. Viruses are the most common cause of pharyngitis. Soreness brought on by viruses usually develops gradually, with little or no fever. A fever over 101 for more than three days is more likely to be strep throat. Multiple cold or flu symptoms accompany a viral infection, while strep throat usually does not cause multiple symptoms such as runny nose, cough, and congestion. A bacterial infection like strep throat (caused by Streptococcus infection) often comes on suddenly with high fever. Tonsils are red, swollen, spotted with white or yellow dots. Citrus juices, such as orange juice, often "burn" the sore throat caused by a virus, but are usually not painful to strep throat. Most cases of pharyngitis occur during the colder months. The illness can often spread among family members, so scrupulous hand washing is a must.

Sore Throat irritation (Without an Infection) can also be caused by the following:
· Postnasal drip
· Smoking
· Air pollution
· Dry heat
· Allergic reaction
· Acid reflux
· Repeated vomiting (like bulimia) caused by stomach acids
Natural Help:
Herbal Help
Garlic has antiseptic properties. At the first sign of a sore throat, place one clove of garlic in your mouth between your cheeks and teeth and keep it for a while. Repeat it several times a day.
Alkaline Gargle
Viruses and Bacteria strains can not live in an Alkaline environment.  

Herbal Gargle 
Onion Syrup
slices of onion in a mason jar and cover with honey. Cover and leave overnight. Next morning, strain liquid into a jar and take it sometimes as a lozenge for sore throat. (It is an excellent cough syrup as well) Keep refrigerated.
Essential Oil Help
*Please contact a Health Care Practitioner, trained in the safety and chemical understanding of essential oils and herbs, including the knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and pharmaceutical drug interactions BEFORE ingesting essential oils.

Essential Oils can help, not only with the pain of irritation, but also if there is a possibility of a viral or bacterial infection. A basic gargle recipe will have a Citrus and Salt in it. Lemon essential oil (or any citrus) helps with shrinking the swollen membranes of the throat and aids in the rapid removal of accumulated mucus in the throat. Salt will inhibit bacterial growth in the warm and moist places of the body like the throat, which is a perfect environment for bacterial multiplication and growth. Lemon juice and Salt dry up the throat, don't use them, if you have a dry throat irritation.
Sore Throat Gargle
Use this gargle to relieve sore throat, hoarseness, and respiratory congestion.
· 1 drop Cayenne oil (depending on individual tolerance, use more or less)
· 2 Tbsp salt
· 10 drops Peppermint oil
· 10 drops Orange oil
· 2 drops Thyme oil
· 2 drops Myrrh oil
Bring 2 cups of water to a boil. Reduce heat, add salt. Simmer 15 minutes. Stir vigorously, remove from heat, and add essential oils.

Gargle with 1 cupful. Rinse out mouth with plain water, and repeat with the second cup of gargle solution. Avoid swallowing the solution.
Ginger Gargle
Add 1-2 drops Ginger Root oil to 2 teaspoons honey. Stir into 8oz. Warm water. Add a trace of Cayenne to spice it up.
Use as a gargle every 30 minutes. (Get a trace of oil by dipping the tip of a toothpick into the Cayenne essential oil)
Oregano (Origanum vulgare) Essential Oil is a very effective sore throat remedy.
· Mix together 2-3 drops Oregano oil and 1 ounce Carrier oil, then soak a Q-tip with the mixture and dab it directly on the inflamed area. (If you find it is too hot, add some more Carrier oil.)
· You may gargle with 2-3 drops of Oregano oil and 1 tsp Salt in some hot water as well. It can take up to an hour for soreness to be gone.
Drink warm liquids*
Sore Throat Spray*
Add 5-20 drops per la Immunity (more or less depending on how much you can handle) to 1 ½ ounce water, in a 2oz spray bottle. (Use glass, if possible. Essential oils will break down plastics after awhile)
Shake and spray into back of throat several times a day.
Kids Sore Throat Spray*
· 5 drops per la Immunity
· 10 drops Pink Grapefruit
· ½ teaspoon Honey or Agave Nectar
· 1 ½ oz Water
· Add to 2 oz Spray bottle and shake and spray into back of throat.

If you have Strep Throat
Do any of the above helps to ease the throat pain, and do the following:
Place 2-3 drops Oregano oil in a capsule and fill the rest with a carrier oil. Take 2-3 times daily for 5-7 days.*
