Acid Reflux Help (Heartburn)
Acid reflux is the backward flow of stomach acid into the
esophagus — the tube that connects the throat and stomach. At the entrance to
your stomach is a muscle ring or valve, called the lower esophageal sphincter
(LES). Normally, the LES closes as soon as food passes through it. If the LES doesn't close all the way or if it opens too often, acid produced by your stomach can move up into your esophagus, causing a burning chest pain called heartburn. If acid reflux symptoms happen more than twice a week, you have acid reflux disease.
- Eating large meals or lying down right after a meal
- Being overweight or obese
- Eating a heavy meal and lying on your back or bending over at the waist
- Snacking too close to bedtime
- Eating certain foods (chocolate, garlic, onions, or spicy or fatty foods)
- Drinking certain beverages (such as alcohol, carbonated or caffeinated drinks, coffee, or tea)
- Smoking
- Stress and Anxiety
- Pregnancy
- Certain Medication (aspirin, ibuprofen, muscle relaxers, or blood pressure meds)
- Hiatal
Hernia (a condition in which the top of your stomach protrudes above the
diaphragm muscle in your chest)
During an episode of acid reflux, you may taste regurgitated
food or sour liquid at the back of your mouth or feel a burning sensation in
your chest (heartburn)
- difficulty swallowing / sore throat
- coughing or wheezing
- chest pain — especially while lying down
- post meal pain
- excessive saliva
Natural Help:
- Avoid trigger foods (such as fried or fatty foods, chocolate, and tomato base food)
- Do not over eat (Eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day)
- Stop smoking (nicotine relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter, allowing stomach acid to enter the esophagus. Cigarettes also promote acid production in the stomach, so there's more to pass through the sphincter in the first place.)
- Avoid alcohol
- Raise the head of your bed (Place blocks under the head of your bed to raise it at least 4-6 inches. Avoid raising your head by sleeping on two pillows, which can make reflux worse.)
- Don't eat at least 2 to 3 hours before lying down
- Try sleeping in a chair for daytime naps or sleep on your side
- Don't wear tight clothes or tight belts
- If you're overweight or obese, take steps to lose weight with exercise and diet changes.
- Also, ask your doctor whether any medication could be triggering your heartburn or other symptoms of acid reflux disease.
- Sugarless gum can help alleviate heartburn by increasing the production of saliva which, with its alkaline properties, helps neutralize acid. That can reduce the feeling of burn, though it doesn't prevent the acid from entering the esophagus in the first place.
- Practice a relaxation strategy. Stress and anxiety can worsen reflux symptoms.
- Eat a diet rich in fiber - at least 40 grams a day - including whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
- Get regular exercise and Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
Herbal Help:
Several herbs, including
licorice root, slippery elm and tumeric, have been shown to help by
creating a coating along the lining of the esophagus, essentially protecting it
from acid.
- Licorice Root (glycyrrhiza glabra)- Use DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice). DGL is a special licorice extract that provides specific support for sensitive gastrointestinal tissues. Slowly chew two tablets or take a half-teaspoon of the powder before or between meals and at bedtime. Taper your dose down after your symptoms are under control.
- Slippery Elm (ulmus rubra)- It is soothing and protective and leaves a mucous secretion or coating effect on the path of the digestive tracts and as a result to help treat any inflammation which may exist along the path of the digestive system. Use the inner bark powder (not the whole bark or tablet) and mix with water. Can put in milk or yogurt to make it more pleasant to swallow.
- Turmeric (Curcuma aromatica) -The chemicals in turmeric will help decrease swelling or inflammation. (Don’t confuse turmeric with Javanese turmeric root (Curcuma zedoaria). (Turmeric can interfere with acid-reducing medications) Make a paste of 1 tsp raw turmeric (or powdered) Add to milk or water. Drink after dinner, before going to bed. Take for 3-4 weeks depending on the severity of the condition.
Essential Oil Help:
*Please contact a Health Care Practitioner, trained in the safety and chemical understanding of essential oils and herbs, including the knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and pharmaceutical drug interactions BEFORE ingesting essential oils.
*Please contact a Health Care Practitioner, trained in the safety and chemical understanding of essential oils and herbs, including the knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and pharmaceutical drug interactions BEFORE ingesting essential oils.
- Place 1-2 drops Lemon on tongue, swish with saliva, and swallow. This “swishing” action with saliva is the first step to tell the stomach to stop producing acid.* (Lemon is alkaline in the body)
- Prepare digestive system for food by adding 1-2 drops Lemon to water. Drink before and during meal, especially while dining out.*
- Take 1-2 drops per la Digestion internally (Use capsules or place on tongue) Can also apply 2-3 drops on the abdomen, rubbing clockwise around naval 3 times. Mix with carrier oil for sensitive skin or children.*
- Add 1-2 drops **Peppermint or per la Digestion with 1 tsp honey, mixed with warm water for a soothing herbal tea.*
- Incorporate a Liver Cleanse each morning.
Digestive Recipe
(Especially if Stress induced)
15 drops Coriander
10 drops Pink Grapefruit
5 drops Cypress
5 drops Lemon
Place 4-5 drops of blend onto the arch of the bottoms of the
foot. Can even place over abdomen. Be sure to cup hands an inhale it.
**Some people have the opposite effect while using mints, because
it relaxes the esophageal sphincter or valve. Pay attention to how your body
reacts and use the other recommended essential oils if necessary.