Sinus Infection

Natural Help for Sinus Infections

Sinus infection, or sinusitis, is an inflammation of the sinuses and nasal passages. Acute sinus infection is usually defined as being of less than 30 days duration and Chronic sinus infection as being greater than 3 months duration. Sinus infections usually follow a viral infection in the upper respiratory tract, but allergy-causing substances (allergens) or pollutants, nasal spray, or smoke may also trigger sinusitis. (Viral infections damages the cells of the sinus lining, leading to inflammation.) The inflamed sinus lining prevents drainage of mucous out of the sinuses. Stagnated mucous then provides a perfect environment for bacteria and in some circumstances fungus to grow in the sinus cavities. Bacteria and Fungus are the cause of infection in the sinus cavities, leading to Chronic Sinus infections.

(Can have some or all depending on the type of Sinus Infection you have)

Natural help

Use  Wild Oregano to help open clogged sinus passages, to thin mucous and stop excess mucous secretion. It will also minimize allergic reactions as it kills molds and other sinus agitators.

Sinus Recipes:
In the following recipes, do not use Iodized Salt. The iodine causes excess irritation. The salt is necessary to not only disperse the oils, but it aids in thinning mucus and decrease swelling in the nasal passages, as well as removing debris, bacteria, and inflammatory substances from your nose. When the swollen tissues shrink, the openings of the sinuses (the ostia) get bigger, and all the infected pus and snot can drain better. Try to allow the nose to drain out, but if you blow your nose, blow from one nostril at a time to avoid ear infection.

Sinus Passages /Sinus Infection Recipe

For Chronic Fungal Sinusitis- Do the same procedure as above, but with this recipe;

Another Option: For beginning stages and a more mild procedure:
~Apply 1-2 drops Eucalyptus + 1 Tbl. carrier oil on chest, sinus passages, and throat. This will “open” up the passages. Follow with 1-2 drops Rosemary + 1 Tbl. carrier oil on sinus passages.
Do this every night.
~Also, put 1 drop Immunity Blend on your tongue 3 times a day, followed with water. Can also put Essential oil in a capsule, filled with carrier oil and take 3x a day.

Sinus Headaches-Sinus Rinse Recipe

Swelling of Face from Swollen Sinus

To minimize, apply Lavender oil or Peppermint, diluted with a carrier oil, directly on face where it is swollen.
